
A plate of hamantachen.

The Jewish holiday of Purim (Hebrew: פּוּרִים), also known as the festival of Lots, celebrates Queen Esther's actions to foil Haman's plan to have all the Jews killed. It is celebrated on the 14th day of the Hebrew month Adar (late February or March).

The "flavor" of the holiday is joyous. Children dress up in costumes. Carnivals are common (at least in the US). Other customs include gifts to the poor, drinking wine, and making lots of noise (boo, hiss, bang or razz) whenever Haman's name is mentioned.

The story[]

King Achashversoch (Ahashuerus) took over Persian empire... married Esther, a Jew, who found out that one of the King's advisors, Haman, had proposed a plan to kill all the Jews. ... Esther pointed out to the King that if the plan was put into law, it would mean her death too. The King changed his mind, and Haman was put to death instead of all the Jews under his rule.


Purim is on the 14th of Adar. It coincided with the evening of March 23 and the day of March 24 in 2024. It will coincide with the evening of March 13 and the day of March 14 in 2025, with the evening of March 2 and the day of March 3 in 2026, with the evening of March 22 and the day of March 23 in 2027 and with the evening of March 11 and the day of March 12 in 2028.

Related terms[]


A Purim party with several little Esthers.

  • Ahasuerus
  • פּוּרִים
  • Hamantasch (plural: hamantaschen)
  • gragger (noise maker)
  • Megillah, the scroll with the book of Esther

External links[]
